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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Nine Questions to Make you Think!

1- What are the three most important things you learned this year?
The three most important things I learned this year are: Writing objective summaries, using semicolons, and writing in more detail. Objective summaries. I think these were an important thing to learn because we needed them for a main part of the class which was for AOW'S.  I would've never know what an objective summary was especially because they are not biased so if I didn't know that then I would be doing it wrong. Semicolons. We didn't learn about these until recently but I'm glad we did. I never understood how to use a semicolon but learning about it made it much easier. Now I can just reference the semicolon sheet anytime I need a refresher on semicolons. Writing in detail. This is a very important thing for me. Learning to write in detail was really good because it really improved my blogs, papers, and essays.

2- What is something we did this year that you think you will remember for the rest of your life?
Socratic seminars. Socratic seminars are when you get into little groups and talk about a book. It's like a little discussion. I think I'll remember this because in my opinion it is a really cool thing. I like to have discussions with classmates because then I get to hear their side of things and not just think of my thoughts. For example I could think one line in a certain book means one thing but then we have a socratic seminar and then I get to hear the thoughts of what the line means from other classmates.

3- What was the nicest thing someone in our class did for you this year?
The nicest thing someone has done for me in this class is tell me I'm worth something. Well let's just say I was going though hard time and my classmates cheered me up. This might not be school related but I cannot really think of anything else nice a classmate has done for me.

4- What is something you taught your teacher or classmates this year?
I think something I taught my classmates is to always try their hardest because especially with my vocabulary tests I didn't do so good so I always taught my classmates to do good. For example there was one time where Darya sent me a snapchat saying she didn't want to study vocabulary before bed. I told her said should so she would get a good grade on that vocabulary test. Good thing she listened to me so she would do good 👍.

5- In what area do you feel you made your biggest improvements? What is something you accomplished this year that you are proud of?
I think towards the end of the year I really improved on blogs. I think I did really good on the detail in my blogs because my mom helped me. She told me I might as well do my blogs better because it's the end of the year and I should try harder. Something that I accomplished this year that I'm proud of is reading more books. Let's just say last year I read absolutely no books and this year I read about a lot more. It's not that I don't like books its just that they don't really interest me as much anymore.

6- What was the most challenging part of this year for you?
The most challenging part of this year for me was keeping my grades up. I think it's because I always turn in assignments late or I don't do them. I really have to change that because I would never make it through high school or college like this. Wow I just realized the problem is me procrastinating so much. Everyday I don't want to do homework I tell myself I'll do it in the morning. I never get it done in the morning sometimes 😓😳. 

7- What was the best piece of writing that you did this year? Why do you think it is your best?
I think my best piece of writing is my literature circle blog for the book Trouble. I think this was my best writing piece because it uses the most detail out of all of my blogs.  I worked for 2 days on this blog and thats why it's so good. Also I think it is so good because my mom helped me with this blog.
Well the thing is this blog was really bad at first so then when the teacher graded it she told me I had to redo it. So then when spring break came around i redid the blog and I received credit for the work I redid.

8- Of the books you read this year, which was your favorite? Why?
My favorite book I read this year was Of Mice and Men. This book was my favorite because it was very suspenseful. Especially because Mrs. Larson did not want us to know the ending. That made it seem even more thrilling. And I also really liked this book because it was a novella. A novella is basically a short novel. Short books are good for me because they hold my attention but they do not make me bored easily 👍😂.

9- What advice would you give students who will be in this class next year?
The advice I would give is: Yeah this class is hard, but push through it. Don't end up being lazy like me. Even though you might not want to at the end it's worth it. Yeah you may have not chose to be in accelerated, but the fact that you got in it shows a lot. This class is the opportunity to show the teacher that you are smart, so my advice is go for it 💪! And make sure not to slack 😂. 

Goodbye friends, see you next year... 👋

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