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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Blog for Week 10/14/15 - Invasion of the Road Weenies

Book: Invasion of the Road Weenies
Author: David Lubar
• Is the setting described well enough that can put a picture of it in your mind?
Why or why not?
• What emotions did you feel while you read? Give details from your reading
that made you feel that way.

The book I am reading is Invasion of the Road Weenies. This book is a collection of short stories. The stories are mostly weird, and sometimes scary. These stories are not long, ranging from 3 pages up to 10 pages. I am in the middle of this book currently and I am really enjoying it. The stories are mostly about kids having some sort of problem.

The setting is described very well in these stories and I can see a clear picture of what is going on. I can see the setting very clearly because the author is putting a lot of detail into what he writes. Here is an example from the book: "There was always fog. The world was never clear. Ken couldn't imagine what it would be like to see into the distance---to gaze far away without the ground and rocks and trees growing fainter and fuzzier..." Page 32 (Paragraph 1). This quote shows that the author is talking about the setting very nicely because I can make a picture in my mind of what is happening. The author uses words like "the world was never clear" or "there was always fog" to describe the setting well.

When I read the stories in this book I feel uneasy. In one of the stories it talks about a boy getting dragged into wet cement then drowning in it. As you can imagine you wouldn't feel happy reading this. I felt uneasy because it is creepy to think about someone not being able to breathe under cement. Plus the other stories in the book are equally creepy and they make me feel the same way. Another creepy detail is a story in the book that talks about a mummy sneaking into a girl's house. This makes me feel scared because it is scary thinking that a dead thing could sneak into someone's house.

1 comment:

  1. Great Job Jude! i like how you added your own opinion about how you felt! I would be a little weirded out by the book too. I mean a boy getting dragged in wet cement and drowning in it? That seems a little bit odd to me too
