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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Literature Circle Blog - "Trouble"

My essential question was "Is it better to avoid trouble or to deal with it?" In the book the author states "If you build your house far enough  away from trouble, then trouble will never find you." Based on the book I do not agree with this. For example in the beginning of the book Franklin is a bully because he is mean to Henry. Henry does not want to see that Franklin is a bully so he avoids that matter. Henry's family also looks up to Franklin because Franklin is a good athlete and he does good in school, but they are also trying to avoid that Franklin is a bully just like Henry is avoiding it too. Even though they avoided trouble it still found them because Franklin died and they realized he was a bully. At the end of the book Henry accepts that Franklin actually was a bully. When Henry deals with this he is able to climb the mountain to show Franklin he is strong.

For my topic I am focussing on the separation of races. According to the article "Donald Trump's campaign cancels rally as protesters pack the crowd" Donald Trump is for the separation of races, but the protesters are against Trump, they are against racism. The main point of the article is many people are protesting what Donald Trump says. For example, the author states "Trump has a problem, though. Many leaders of his own party do not like him. They and many others say Trump is spreading hate. They say he is making his supporters turn against Hispanics, blacks and people from other countries." In this quote it is showing that Trump is trying to make people turn against other races but people do not agree with him. The author of this article takes the issue of separation of races and shows that it is wrong.

In the book Trouble by Gary D. Schmidt, Chay's Parents believe that different races should stay separate, and the other characters in the book support this belief. For example in the book, Chay's parents state, "Remember you were Cambodian before you were American... And you don't fall in love with American girls." In this quote it is showing the characters'
support for the separation of races. The author of the book takes the issue of separation of races and shows that the characters believe in it.

The article and the book both relate because the main topic for both is about racial hate, as I said in the paragraphs. The authors use this information differently because in the book the characters believe in the separation of races, but in the article protesters do not support Trump's belief in the separation of races. 

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